[rabbitmq-discuss] Rabbitmq Crash Reports.

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Sat Nov 2 15:33:21 GMT 2013


On 28/10/13 07:31, Rohit Patle wrote:
> After even I shifted to new Erlang version i.e RabbitMQ 3.1.5, Erlang
> R16B02 from RabbitMQ 3.1.5, Erlang R16B01. I am getting the Rabbitmq
> CRASH at-least one time in a day.
> FYI I am attaching the CRASH REPORT's for your reference with this mail.
> Kindly suggest what could be the reason and how I can over come the same?

Both of these are just process crash reports, and pretty harmless ones 
at that, not crashes of rabbit itself. So rabbit should happily continue 
working. Do you observe any unusual behaviour at all, or are you simply 
concerned about the appearance of these log entries?

The first error...

> =CRASH REPORT==== 25-Oct-2013::18:27:59 ===
>   crasher:
>     initial call: tls_connection:init/1
>     pid: <0.5793.0>
>     registered_name: []
>     exception exit: {{case_clause,{error,ebadf}},
>                      [{tls_connection,handle_unrecv_data,2,
>                                       [{file,"tls_connection.erl"},
>                                        {line,3021}]},
>                       {tls_connection,terminate,3,
>                                       [{file,"tls_connection.erl"},
>                                        {line,1162}]},
>                       {gen_fsm,terminate,7,[{file,"gen_fsm.erl"},{line,597}]},
>                       {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,
>                                 [{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}
>       in function  gen_fsm:terminate/7 (gen_fsm.erl, line 600)

...looks like a bug in the erlang ssl stack, where a sudden closure of 
the socket causes an explosion in the ssl socket termination code. This 
error should be harmless since the connection was already dead at that 
point anyway.

The second error...

> =CRASH REPORT==== 25-Oct-2013::17:55:25 ===
>   crasher:
>     initial call: rabbit_reader:init/4
>     pid: <0.1304.2>
>     registered_name: []
>     exception exit: channel_termination_timeout
>       in function  rabbit_reader:wait_for_channel_termination/2
>       in call from rabbit_reader:handle_exception/3
>       in call from rabbit_reader:terminate/2
>       in call from rabbit_reader:handle_other/2
>       in call from rabbit_reader:mainloop/2
>       in call from rabbit_reader:run/1
>       in call from rabbit_reader:start_connection/7

...can be caused when connections are terminated and the server is busy 
and fails to terminate all the associated processes cleanly in a set 
amount of time. This is largely harmless too.



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