[rabbitmq-discuss] AutoAck issue

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 30 13:59:49 BST 2013

On 30/05/13 13:38, Adam Morgan wrote:

> Despite this, my publisher/ConfirmListener is receiving an ack as soon
> as my consumer receives the message.  Repeat, my consumer client has NOT
> yet called basicAck(), but my publisher/ConfirmListener callback is made.  

Acknowledgements are being sent by the broker to confirm to the
publisher that messages received up to that point have been received and
won't be lost, as an alternative to using transactions. The conditions
that determine when the broker sends confirms are described here:


In the case of persistent messages, being on disk is sufficient to
trigger a confirm. A broker confirmation is not necessarily confirmation
that a consumer acknowledged the message.

Consumers may send acknowledgements to the broker after  processing a
message. The acks sent by consumers have a different meaning from the
acks sent from the broker to publishers.


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