[rabbitmq-discuss] AutoAck issue

Adam Morgan AMorgan at salesforce.com
Thu May 30 13:38:52 BST 2013

I am trying to implement guaranteed delivery in my system but am having issues around acknowledgements being sent automagically.

 *   I have turned on channel.confirmSelect() on publishing channel.
 *   I have added my publisher as a ConfirmListener to the publishing channel.
 *   I very clearly have autoAck=false in my basicConsume() call.

Despite this, my publisher/ConfirmListener is receiving an ack as soon as my consumer receives the message.  Repeat, my consumer client has NOT yet called basicAck(), but my publisher/ConfirmListener callback is made.

Is there something else I should be doing?  Is there other configuration I might be doing that would interfere with this?

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