[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ Federation & SSL

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed May 29 23:23:03 BST 2013


On 29/05/13 15:53, Eric Cozzi wrote:
> I have the LDAP auth plugin logging at Network level. There are no
> additional log statements that are being output.

What do you mean? That you don't see any LDAP log output at all? Or just 
no LDAP network log output? Either would suggest that something isn't 
right with your rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap configuration.

> Erlang version is: [R15B02]
> Rabbit Version: [3.0.1]

Thanks. We did discover why the error is reported in such a weird way, 
so will fix that in the next release. The question is though why you get 
that error in the first place. The logs should allow you to track that down.


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