[rabbitmq-discuss] .net client producer fails consistently with Error Message: Unable to write data to the transport connection:

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Wed May 29 11:52:22 BST 2013

On 28/05/13 14:47, jdepp wrote:
> Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was
> forcibly closed by the remote host

> To work around this I then create a new producer and a new connection and
> the cycle continues. This has happened almost every minute. Is this a
> problem with the .NET client because the other developers here say they have
> no problem with their java versions.

Have you checked the broker logfile? If the logfile contains entries
about abrupt disconnections then the problem is probably caused by a
network infrastructure issue. Do you see the same problem when you
connect to a broker over the loopback interface?

The connection Dispose() method is similar to calling Abort(), which is
similar to calling Close(), which throws an exception if the connection
is already closed. An alternative is to register a ConnectionShutdown
event handler.


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