[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq error report of plugins is too short and incomplete
Guido Extra
guido.extras at gmail.com
Tue May 28 12:47:50 BST 2013
Hi Matthias
I am not use the error_logger:error_report/2 function, which would produce a log with such a header "=ERROR REPORT===="
I checked the RabbitMq source code and found it used under the supervisor2.erl module below. Nothing looks like to be truncating it, so I believe it must be the report_error itself that truncates Terms that are too large. Once this happens again I will add markers to supervisor2 so I can identify if the exception passed through it and how was the term's integrity at that point .
%%% ------------------------------------------------------
%%% Error and progress reporting.
%%% ------------------------------------------------------
report_error(Error, Reason, Child, SupName) ->
ErrorMsg = [{supervisor, SupName},
{errorContext, Error},
{reason, Reason},
{offender, extract_child(Child)}],
error_logger:error_report(supervisor_report, ErrorMsg).
shutdown_error_reporter(SupName) ->
fun(Reason, Child) ->
report_error(shutdown_error, Reason, Child, SupName)
extract_child(Child) ->
[{pid, Child#child.pid},
{name, Child#child.name},
{mfa, Child#child.mfa},
{restart_type, Child#child.restart_type},
{shutdown, Child#child.shutdown},
{child_type, Child#child.child_type}].
On May 28, 2013, at 5:02 AM, Matthias Radestock <matthias at rabbitmq.com> wrote:
> Guido,
> On 24/05/13 14:35, Guido Extra wrote:
>> I have created several plugin applications that run under RabbitMQ
>> and when they produce an issue, sometimes the ERROR REPORT is logged
>> in a very short/incomplete manner that does not allow me to identify
>> where ( which module and line of code ) the error occurred.
>> Here is an example:
>> =ERROR REPORT==== 24-May-2013::08:23:35 === Error in process
>> <0.489.0> on node 'rabbit at guidomacbookpro2' with exit value:
>> {function_clause,[{orddict,fetch,["rxLBslwAswwgRz6RMtmDYenC8",[{"rxlbslwaswwgrz6rmtmdyenc8",[[{"BRANCH_ID","B8UpVlS40csA6v246IsYeTGYB"},{"DTTM_VERSION",2.013032e+16},{"HEADER_ID","B8UpVlS40csA6v246IsYeTGYB"},{"MODEL_ID","rxLBslwAsw...
>> Notice above the last "..." characters, that's where it all ends.
>> The interesting stuff is certainly at the end of that
>> Strangely, other times, the report shows complete. I can't also
>> understand what is the difference.
>> Question:
>> How to get a full / complete report ?
> The above message is clearly generated by your own code - nothing in rabbit or otp produces an error message of the form "Error in process <pid> on node '<node>' with exit value: <reason>". So the truncation must happen in your own code, somehow.
> Matthias.
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