[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq error report of plugins is too short and incomplete

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue May 28 13:01:28 BST 2013

On 28/05/13 12:47, Guido Extra wrote:
> I am not use the error_logger:error_report/2 function, which would
> produce a log with such a header "=ERROR REPORT===="

error_logger is used in lots of places.

What I pointed out is that the particular error message - "Error in 
process <pid> on node '<node>' with exit value: <reason>" - is not in 
any rabbit or Erlang code. It must be in your code.

> I believe it must be the report_error itself that truncates Terms
> that are too large.

The problem is most likely with the format string and/or args you use to 
construct the error message.


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