[rabbitmq-discuss] problem about TTL time/transaction/HighAvailablity Cluster from new beginner of rabbitmq

bupt bupt buptloveandroid at gmail.com
Sun May 26 07:03:06 BST 2013

hello everyone,
       I am a new beginner of Rabbitmq. I am fascinated by its efficiency
and easy to use. But I have some problem and want to ask every engineer.
1.what is rabbitmq-server's default TTL time? I didn't configure any data
to rabbitmq.
2.what kind of data structure and which type of data can be delivered to
3.If I didn't want to lose any message , how can I design our message queue
architecture. I know that rabbitmq has durable parameter solution but it
still can't guarantee it didn't lose any message at all, especially for the
data stored in memory but not in the disk. I also know that durable
solution and transaction method will effect qps performance greatly, Can
you help to design a good message queue system using rabbitmq and don't
lose any message?
4. Can you give me a demo code about how to use transaction of rabbitmq in
java or python?
      thank you very much ~~
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