[rabbitmq-discuss] Graceful shutdown of blocking consumers in PHP?

Colleen Mirabello colleen at surfmerchants.com
Fri May 24 14:31:22 BST 2013


Using that library, I don't believe there's a way to get the same script 
to consume from multiple queues using consume(). Once you call 
consume(), the script blocks waiting for messages from that queue.


     - Colleen

On 5/23/2013 5:41 PM, Alvaro Videla wrote:
> Hi,
> Using that library, can you consume from more than one queue? If yes, 
> then you could send control messages to the script and make it stop.
> With php-amqplib since the while loop is part of user land code, you 
> can control all the consuming parts on your own so this wouldn't be a 
> problem.
> Regards,
> Alvaro

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