[rabbitmq-discuss] [java-client] Is there a full working example of "DefaultConsumer" without *deprecated * QueueingConsumer ?

Vikram Viswanathan vikram.vis at gmail.com
Thu May 23 22:44:19 BST 2013

Thanks. I found that that there was a previously not closed consumer for 
the same queue and that was consuming the message. Everything works now.


On 05/23/2013 08:20 AM, Matthias Radestock wrote:
> On 22/05/13 21:50, vikram wrote:
>> I am having a similar issue. In my callback I only get 2 messages  
>> and no
>> more. The only difference is that I do client acknowledge and 
>> acknowledge
>> only after some time. I do not acknowledge immediately after a message
>> arrives. Would this be a problem ?
> Please post some self-contained code that exhibits the problem you are 
> seeing.
> Matthias.

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