[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 3.1.1 Management Console Issue

Chris stuff at moesel.net
Tue May 21 21:04:59 BST 2013


I've just upgraded from RabbitMQ 3.0.2 to RabbitMQ 3.1.1.  When I went to
the web-based management console the first time, I saw the Overview page.
 Clicking through the tabs, however, I noticed that sometimes the UI didn't

Now, whenever I try to go to the Overview page, the UI does not update, and
I see one or multiples of this error at the bottom of the page:
queue_length is not defined".  Even after a server restart I cannot see the
overview page.

I am on RedHat 6.2 using Erlang R14B04 from EPEL.  There are no notable
errors in the logs.

Any thoughts?  Bug?

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