[rabbitmq-discuss] [ANN] RabbitMQ Kerberos authentication plugin

Simon Lundström simlu at su.se
Tue May 21 06:38:42 BST 2013

I'm glad to be able to announce the Kerberos (note: not GSSAPI[1])
authentication plugin for RabbitMQ.

The plugin makes it possible to use Kerberos principals to login to
RabbitMQ 3.x both via AMQP and the management GUI.
Since Kerberos is an authentication protocol you still need a plugin to
provide authorization. By default that is done via

The code is available from
<https://github.com/simmel/rabbitmq-auth-backend-kerberos> and is built
with help from the RabbitMQ plugin development guide
Code is licenced under the revised BSD license.

Configuration and install documentation is also available from the
above github page.

The plugin works with both Heimdal and MIT Kerberos libs.

I'd like to thank everyone who has helped this become a reality,
especially Simon and Tim from VMware and Linus and Klas, my former

Finally I'd like to thank my employer, IT Services at Stockholm
University, for giving me the opportunity to learn C (atleast, more
properly) and Erlang.

[1] While we would love to use GSSAPI instead of user/password via
Kerberos, we weren't that keen on implementing GSSAPI in all
RabbitMQ/AMQP libraries available.

- Simon


Simon Lundström
Section for Infrastructure

IT Services
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden



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