[rabbitmq-discuss] More throughput using cluster

Nikola Savic niks at osic.rs
Sun May 19 08:59:27 BST 2013


If I understand you well, we should have several queues (on same 
RabbitMQ node) which are used for same types of messages and selected by 
producers in round-robin way?

On consumer side we can have set of worker processes for each queue.

Or, are you suggesting we use queues on different RabbitMQ nodes?


On 05/18/2013 10:36 PM, Michael Klishin wrote:
> 2013/5/18 nikolasavic77 <niksav at osic.rs <mailto:niksav at osic.rs>>
>     In case we have 2 or more rabbitmq nodes connected in cluster and
>     each with VIP assigned, would we get more throughput if messages
>     are sent on all nodes (using round-robin method) and received by
>     workers connected on each node.
> It's likely to be sufficient to simply spread message flow across N 
> queues and make different apps or instances
> connect to different nodes.
> -- 
> MK
> http://github.com/michaelklishin
> http://twitter.com/michaelklishin
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