[rabbitmq-discuss] Queue Memory keep on increasing

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Mon May 13 10:53:02 BST 2013

On 13/05/2013 08:46, chetan dev wrote:
> I have a durable mirrored queue on two nodes .
> initially when publishing and consumer activity started queue memory was
> around 50 kB, now it is increasing day by day .currently it is around 3.9 MB

A slow moving process will only get garbage collected occasionally; to 
be honest I would consider ~3MB to be within the levels of GC noise here.

You could try something like:

rabbitmqctl eval '[{pid, Pid}] = 
rabbit_amqqueue:with(rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"test">>), fun(Q) 
-> rabbit_amqqueue:info(Q, [pid]) end), garbage_collect(Pid).'

to forcibly garbage-collect the queue and see if that cuts memory use.

But I would only worry if the memory use kept growing quite a long way 
past 3MB.

Cheers, Simon

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