[rabbitmq-discuss] stomp adapter behaviour

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Fri May 10 11:25:45 BST 2013

Hi Raphael,

On 10/05/13 10:01, Raphael Seebacher wrote:
> destination:/queue/tmp
> receipt:2
> hello world, again
> ^@
> ^]
> telnet> quit

I'm not able to reproduce the problem. I get the expected reply
immediately after the second send:


Can you replicate the problem with a regular STOMP client?
Can you replicate the problem with "telnet dev.rabbitmq.com 61613"
Is there anything unusual in the broker logfiles?
What does "rabbitmqctl list_queues" return after the failure?
Do you get the same result with STOMP version 1.0 and 1.1?


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