[rabbitmq-discuss] Queues no longer expire in RabbitMq 3.1.0

MoonStorm moonstorm at gmail.com
Fri May 10 10:49:25 BST 2013

Nah, there is more there than meets the eye. I've got durable expirable 
queues, holding several messages, that don't want to go away. There is 
definitely something screwy there.

On Thursday, May 9, 2013 10:46:07 AM UTC+1, MoonStorm wrote:
> Here is a bit more info on the subject. Ran some tests and apparently the 
> queues seem to expire if they've been declared as durable after all the 
> consumers dropped. Apart from my initial report, the setting is also 
> ignored if they've been declared as auto-delete, which sort of makes sense 
> (in this case they get deleted immediately). 
> Either way, the admin interface reports the setting as active, and this is 
> a bug when the setting is actually being ignored. Besides, could we have a 
> bit of validation for the settings please? Ignoring them when used in an 
> unsupported context is simply wrong.
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 12:24:08 PM UTC+1, MoonStorm wrote:
>> Declaring a queue with "x-expires" set to a valid value has no effect 
>> after the consumers disconnect. The admin interface reports the queue being 
>> idle with no consumers present.
>> They used to expire in earlier versions. Are there additional 
>> requirements now to achieve the same behavior?
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