[rabbitmq-discuss] PHP amqp 0.9.1 breaks after rabbitmq server upgrade to 3.1

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed May 8 06:00:16 BST 2013

On 08/05/13 02:57, elad wrote:
> hey guys, here is the code I use:
>          $conn_args = array('host' => '', 'port' => '5672', 'login'
> => 'Administrator', 'password' => 'admin');
>          $cnn = new AMQPConnection($conn_args);
>          $cnn->connect();
>          $ch = new AMQPChannel($cnn);
>          $ch->setPrefetchCount(1);
>          $q = new AMQPQueue($ch);
>          $q->setName('app_event');
>          $q->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE);
>          $q->declare();
> while($message = $q->get()) {
>          echo("Message #".$message->getDeliveryTag()."
> '".$message->getBody()."'");
> }
> It get stuck and I get an exception that the connection closed unexpectedly.
> if I set         $ch->setPrefetchCount(1) to 0, then everything works.
> The funny thing is that with rabbitmq 3.0 (previous version) all worked
> perfect and I didnt change the amqp lib.
> any ideas ?

As I noted yesterday - 
- this is a (new) bug.

Btw, setting the prefetch in the above code is actually pointless. You 
are retrieving messages with basic.get, which is not subject to prefetch 
counts since it fetches one message at a time anyway.


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