[rabbitmq-discuss] PHP amqp 0.9.1 breaks after rabbitmq server upgrade to 3.1

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue May 7 11:27:17 BST 2013

On 07/05/13 10:56, Simon MacMullen wrote:
> On 07/05/2013 10:34, Michael Klishin wrote:
>> 2013/5/7 elad <elad at centunosolutions.com
>> <mailto:elad at centunosolutions.com>>
>>     any ideas why it happens ?
>> Can you please post your code that uses basic.qos?
> I second this. That's an assertion failure you're seeing, so I am very
> interested in replicating it!

No need to. It's a bug and I've reproduced it.

The conditions to trigger it require setting the basic.qos prefetch 
count multiple times on the same channel, while there are active 
consumers. That is quite an unusual setup; more commonly the prefetch 
count is only set once, before consumers are created.

To the OP: you may want to look into that; basic.qos calls are 
synchronous and expensive, so applications should only issue them when 
the prefetch_count settings need changing.



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