[rabbitmq-discuss] View messages in queue

Ashok Anand ashok.anand at gmail.com
Fri May 3 10:15:57 BST 2013

Thanks for your reply.
For further clarification
1) what should I use to go through all messages in the queue,
currently, "./rabbitmqadmin get queue=qname requeue=true" gives only head.
does any such interface exists currently to get list of all messages in the
2) Just the re-delivery flag is set, right? so the consume should not
assume that it is a retrial of the same message?

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Emile Joubert <emile at rabbitmq.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 03/05/13 07:35, ashok wrote:
> > a) View all messages in the queue (not just head), while not destroying
> > order of messages in the queue
> This is possible since v2.7.0:
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/semantics.html#ordering
> You should be aware that the requeueing messages sets the redelivery
> flag, so subsequent consumers will not get an identical message.
> > b) To be able to delete a message at a specific position: Currently I can
> > delete only head. This does defeat the meaning of queue, though in one
> of my
> > use case, it does seem useful to have such feature.
> This use-case may indicate that you will be better served by a database
> than a message broker. Even so it is possible to selectively consume a
> message by retrieving messages up to the position of interest. Then
> acknowledge the message that you want to remove and requeue all the
> messages ahead of it in the queue.
> This is a relatively expensive operation compared to a database delete.
> It also assumes that there is only one consumer. If there are multiple
> consumers then it will be difficult to remove messages based on position.
> -Emile
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