[rabbitmq-discuss] HelloWorld example : Connection refused to localhost

Gerald Kuch jkuch at gopivotal.com
Thu May 2 20:30:30 BST 2013

If you telnet to port 5672 on localhost does something answer?  If
something seems to, and you bang out some gibberish do you get disconnected
with an AMQP error message?  Does netstat show anything  listening on the
AMQP port and, if so, is it actually a rabbit?

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 8:46 AM, laurent bernabe
<laurent.bernabe at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I can't run the HelloWorld tutorial in my computer.
> I've downloaded rabbitmq-java-client-bin-3.1.0.
> Then in Eclipse Juno for Java EE developpers (Release 2) in my Ubuntu
> 12.10 64 bits I :
>    - imported the jars {commons-cli-1.1.jar, commons-io-1.2.jar,
>    rabbitmq-client.jar} and added them to the build path (so they were in my
>    project class path)
>    - added the Send and Recv sources codes
> But when I ran the Send class, I got a ConnectException.
> I've attached the exception trace as well as the Send/Recv source file (in
> order to match the line numbers given in the stack trace).
> So, did I missed something or did I misunderstood a configuration setup ?
> Regards
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