[rabbitmq-discuss] A new AMQP-Client wrapper with erlang

Xujin Zheng xujinzheng at gmail.com
Thu May 2 16:00:20 BST 2013

Hi ,

I developed a new amqp_client wrapper with erlang,I appreciate rabbitmq 
team can put the github link to the http://www.rabbitmq.com/devtools.html 
page ? we want to help more erlang developer to easily to use rabbitmq.

GitHub link:



Rabbit farms is a standalone service for publishing messages to RabbitMQ 
from other another erlang apps.
is a beta version.<https://github.com/erlang-china/rabbit_farms#usage-scenario>Usage 

Other (external) erlang applications publish messages to RabbitMQ without 
needing to reference the amqp_client, using it just like the gen_server 
call/cast API.

Configure the rabbit_famrs.app

    {env, [{rabbit_farms,[tracking]},
             {farm_tracking,[{username, <<"guest">>},
                                     {password, <<"V2pOV2JHTXpVVDA9">>}, %% triple_times_base64("guest")
                                     {virtual_host, <<"/">>},
                                     {host, "localhost"},
                                     {port, 5672},
                                       {exchange, <<"tracking.logs">>},
                                       {type, <<"topic">>}]


    1>RabbitCarrot = #rabbit_carrot{farm_name = tracking, exchange = <<"tracking.logs">>, 
                     routing_key = <<"routing_key">>, 
                     message = <<"">>}.
      #rabbit_carrot{farm_name = tracking,
               exchange = <<"tracking.logs">>,
               routing_key = <<"routing_key">>,message = <<>>,
               content_type = undefined}

    2>rabbit_farms:publish(cast, RabbitCarrot). %%asynchronous
    3>rabbit_farms:publish(call, RabbitCarrot). %%synchronization

<https://github.com/erlang-china/rabbit_farms#batch-publish>batch publish

    1>Body1 = #rabbit_carrot_body{routing_key = <<"routing_key">>, message = <<"message1">>}.
      #rabbit_carrot_body{routing_key = <<"routing_key1">>,
                    message = <<"message1">>}

    2>Body2 = #rabbit_carrot_body{routing_key = <<"routing_key">>, message = <<"message2">>}.
      #rabbit_carrot_body{routing_key = <<"routing_key2">>,
                    message = <<"message2">>}

    3>RabbitCarrots = #rabbit_carrots{farm_name            = tracking,
                                      exchange             = <<"tracking.logs">>, 
                                      rabbit_carrot_bodies = [Body1,Body2]}.

                        farm_name = tracking,exchange = <<"tracking.logs">>,
                        rabbit_carrot_bodies = 
                                 routing_key = <<"routing_key">>,
                                 message = <<"message1">>},
                                 routing_key = <<"routing_key">>,
                                 message = <<"message2">>}],
                        content_type = undefined}

    4>rabbit_farms:publish(cast, RabbitCarrots). %%asynchronous
    5>rabbit_farms:publish(call, RabbitCarrots). %%synchronization

Xujin Zheng

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