[rabbitmq-discuss] Running RabbitMQ server as embedded application

Jorge Diz Pico jorge.diz at nomasystems.com
Tue Mar 26 12:18:41 GMT 2013

Hi folks, I'm trying to run a RabbitMQ server the OTP way, but it's
becoming harder than I thought. I added all dependencies to my
release, but when I run application:start(rabbit), I get the following

-- rabbit boot start
starting file handle cache server                                     ...done
starting worker pool                                                  ...done
starting database                                                     ...


Error description:

Log files (may contain more information):

Stack trace:

But of course there are no clusters and there had never been (fresh run).

Has anybody managed to do this? There has to be a way to embed the
RabbitMQ server in your own applications.

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