[rabbitmq-discuss] Does rabbitmqadmin have any issues using SSL

Tim Watson tim at rabbitmq.com
Thu Mar 21 09:36:58 GMT 2013

Hi James,

On 20 Mar 2013, at 22:02, James Damon wrote:
> So, I'm setting up my server to accept connections using SSL. My dilemma is that I can connect to the server just fine using the following ruby script.

The reason for that is in the following line...

> AMQP.start(:port => 5671, 

This is making an AMQP connection, rather than an HTTP connection to the management web API.

> However, I want to use the existing rabbitmqadmin script to connect because I just want to insert simple JSON messages without writing my own code.

In that case you'll need to point the rabbitmqadmin script to a port that is listening for SSL connections.

> When I run rabbitmqadmin from the command line I get the same error: 
> rabbitmq at server.log
> =================
> =INFO REPORT==== 20-Mar-2013::14:56:42 ===
> accepting AMQP connection <0.2781.0> ([::1]:59661 -> [::1]:5671)

As you can see, the broker thinks that this is an AMQP connection (as it's connecting to an AMQP port).

> =ERROR REPORT==== 20-Mar-2013::14:56:42 ===
> closing AMQP connection <0.2781.0> ([::1]:59661 -> [::1]:5671):
> {bad_header,<<"GET /api">>}

Likewise, the HTTP protocol isn't understood by an AMQP protocol handler.

> [host_ssl]
> hostname = localhost
> port = 5671
> username = guest
> password = guest
> ssl = True
> ssl_key_file = $SOME_PATH/key1.pem
> ssl_cert_file = $SOME_PATH/clientcert1.pem

You'll need to change that ssl port to an HTTP one, and you'll need to configure the management web API to enable ssl and listen on an available port. See http://www.rabbitmq.com/mochiweb.html for details. HTH!


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