[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ not binding on anything

pejot pjasiulewicz at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 16:18:09 GMT 2013


having a problem with RabbitMQ on amazon. I'm trying to make it listen on 
all external interfaces (which seams not to work by default neither on 
amazon or my local machine, but bound to network interface IP). 
I'm running it on Ubuntu. the problem is, the managemenet console on :55672 
seams to be thinking, that rabbitmq is listening on 

but when I do >netstat -a | grep LISTEN

there is nothing listening on 5672.

Tried to set the rabbitmq-env.conf, which has (that's the whole config)
RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESS=[tried: interface IP, private dns, public dns]

nothing seams to work, some advice would be highly appreciated.


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