[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ publisher confirms behaviour

Rohit Yadav rohit.yadav at wingify.com
Wed Jun 26 23:57:26 BST 2013


I want to understand how publisher confirms [1] work internally and
asynchronously. The async publisher example [2] _deliveries is a list of
message number which were published and when they are confirmed, these
numbers are removed from _deliveries.

What happens when a durable message is published with publisher confirms
and the producer is stopped, i.e. we don't know if a confirm was received.
In such a case if the message reaches the broker but the broker fails to
send confirms back, is the message dropped? When I stop the consumer I wait
to receive any leftover confirms and I see that even after say 60s the
_deliveries is not empty. How may I make sure messages which were sent
confirm asynchronously and if I should wait for sometime before closing the
channel how may I determine the wait time period?

How does confirms work internally at the broker level, as in the latest
RabbitMQ server.

[1] http://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html

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