[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmqctl status hangs until I kill all erlang/erts-5.8.5/bin/beam processes

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Tue Jun 25 12:22:51 BST 2013


On 24/06/13 20:46, tenyks wrote:
> rabbitmq 13641  0.0  0.4  31236  9328 ?        Ss   18:55   0:00

According to the START field all these processes were started within a
minute of each other, all executing "rabbitmqctl wait". "rabbitmqctl
wait" should not be called in a loop - it already contains a loop that
performs a check every second.

If you started the broker using one of the supplied packages then please
let us know the version and the kind of package.


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