[rabbitmq-discuss] PHP AMQP Extension Connection Timeout

Umutcan umutcan at gamegos.com
Thu Jun 20 13:24:24 BST 2013


I am using AMQP extension of PHP in order to publish messages. I want my 
application to run whether it publish messages or not. So it must not 
wait too long to send messages to RabbitMQ server. setTimeout() method 
is working fine when server is running even if any of the alarms is 
true. But, it is not working if RabbitMQ server is stopped. Publisher 
can connect to the machine that hosts the server due to security 
settings,  but connection hangs for a long time until it throws an 
exception which gives an socket error message.

How can I solve this problem? Is there any idea?

Umutcan Onal

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