[rabbitmq-discuss] Clustering Linux and Windows machines

Mahesh Viraktamath yuva670 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 12:59:29 BST 2013

I solved the issue, it was the hostname detection problem. Is it that
rabbitmq relies on the hostnames to connect multiple nodes? What if the
nodes are on different networks?


On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com> wrote:

> Hi. Check http://www.rabbitmq.com/**clustering.html#firewall<http://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html#firewall>- I suspect one or both of the machines is firewalling inter-node
> communication.
> Also, any particular reason why you're installing 2.8.4? It's fairly old.
> Cheers, Simon
> On 12/04/13 10:18, Mahesh Viraktamath wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to cluster rabbitmq nodes on a linux and windows machines. I
>> ran consumers connecting to each of these nodes and they connected fine.
>> The cookies are similar on both the machines.
>> On windows, I installed the RabbitMQ and erlang using the installers -
>> 2.8.4 and R15B01 respectively, My linux machine runs rhel 5, so the same
>> versions were not available in the repository, so I installed erlang by
>> building from the source and verified the version. I installed RabbitMQ
>> using the precompiled generic unix bundle (2.8.4).
>> To verify the installed versions, I enabled the management plugins and
>> checked there. Now, when I do a
>> "rabbitmqctl -n rabbit at 564654-host99 status", it says node down.
>> Am I missing any step here given that the servers run different platforms?
>> Thanks,
>> Mahesh
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> --
> Simon MacMullen
> RabbitMQ, VMware
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