[rabbitmq-discuss] "Zombie" RabbitMQ Processes

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Jun 11 11:12:33 BST 2013

On 11/06/13 11:07, Emile Joubert wrote:
>> >(2) Should we be concerned about the connection_closed_abruptly
>> >warnings?  Currenlty we connect to RabbitMQ using node-amqp and the Java
>> >client.  I/think/  we usually should be closing the connection on exit.
> No, that is normally innocuous. You can turn the logging for that off
> with the log_levels configuration option.

To add to this: this warning is logged when a client disconnects without 
going through the AMQP connection-closing handshake. Really you should 
only see it if the network suddenly goes down, but some clients (I 
suspect node-amqp in your instance) just drop the connection whenever 
they are done.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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