[rabbitmq-discuss] PHP amqp 0.9.1 breaks after rabbitmq server upgrade to 3.1

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Jun 7 18:36:42 BST 2013

On 07/06/13 17:51, rasarmento wrote:
> I need a help. I am having problems like the one discribed at the begining of
> the post and i dont know what to do!

The bug in question was fixed in RabbitMQ 3.1.1. If you are not running 
that then please upgrade.

If, otoh, you are already running 3.1.1 then the problem you are seeing 
is not the same as reported by the OP, in which case please supply more 
information for us to try to reproduce it.


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