[rabbitmq-discuss] Is it possible to retrieve the number of unacked messages on a queue?

Peter Soukalopoulos peter at greenbutton.com
Fri Jun 7 03:28:10 BST 2013

Found the solution using the RabbitMQ Management HTTP API
/api/queues/%F/queue which returns a JSON response including values for
messages_ready, messages_unacknowledged and messages.


    "memory": 18104,

   "idle_since": "2013-06-05 21:42:17",

    "exclusive_consumer_tag": "",

    "messages_ready": 2,

    "messages_unacknowledged": 0,

    "messages": 2,

    "consumers": 0,

    "slave_nodes": [],

    "backing_queue_status": {

        "q1": 0,

        "q2": 0,

        "delta": [






*..stuff deleted*





*Peter** **Soukalopoulos*
*Development Team Leader | **GreenButton Limited *| www.greenbutton.com
Level 2, James Smith Building, 55 Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand
Mobile: +64 22 632 5023| DDI: +644 974 6602 |
peter.soukalopoulos at greenbutton.com | Skype: psoukal | HQ: +644 499 0424

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*From:* Peter Soukalopoulos [mailto:peter at greenbutton.com]
*Sent:* Friday, 7 June 2013 10:16 a.m.
*To:* 'rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com'
*Subject:* Is it possible to retrieve the number of unacked messages on a

I’ve done a little searching via Google to retrieve the number of Unacked
messages via the RabbitMQ client API. Most threads say it’s not possible.

Does anyone have an explanation or, even better, a solution?

FYI I’m using C# .Net – this code returns the number of Ready messages.

        public int GetApproximateCount(string queueName)


            using (var connection = CreateConnection())

            using (var model = connection.CreateModel())




                    var result = model.QueueDeclarePassive(queueName);

                    return (int)result.MessageCount;


                catch (OperationInterruptedException)


                    return 0;






*Peter** **Soukalopoulos*
*Development Team Leader | **GreenButton Limited *| www.greenbutton.com
Level 2, James Smith Building, 55 Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand
Mobile: +64 22 632 5023| DDI: +644 974 6602 |
peter.soukalopoulos at greenbutton.com | Skype: psoukal | HQ: +644 499 0424

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cid:image003.jpg at 01CC4E01.BA075BC0]

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