[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ fails to close connections

Tuure Laurinolli tuure.laurinolli at portalify.com
Mon Jul 29 14:03:32 BST 2013


When I uncleanly disconnect a client, it is retained on RabbitMQ side apparently forever. I would not be very surprised about this if it weren't for the fact that the connection has heartbeats enabled. I would expect the server to attempt to ping the client and to disconnect it if no response is received.

The offending connections is last on the report below.  As can be seen from netstat output, the corresponding TCP connection no longer exists.

Report output:

Reporting server status on {{2013,7,29},{13,0,53}}

Status of node 'rabbit at pmc-localtest' ...
     [{rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","3.1.1"},
      {rabbitmq_web_dispatch,"RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher","3.1.1"},
      {mochiweb,"MochiMedia Web Server","2.3.1-rmq3.1.1-gitd541e9a"},
      {rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Management Agent","3.1.1"},
      {os_mon,"CPO  CXC 138 46","2.2.9"},
      {inets,"INETS  CXC 138 49","5.9"},
      {xmerl,"XML parser","1.3.1"},
      {mnesia,"MNESIA  CXC 138 12","4.7"},
      {amqp_client,"RabbitMQ AMQP Client","3.1.1"},
      {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.2.1"},
      {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","1.18.1"},
      {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.15.1"}]},
     "Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64-bit] [async-threads:30] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]\n"},

Cluster status of node 'rabbit at pmc-localtest' ...
[{nodes,[{disc,['rabbit at pmc-localtest']}]},
 {running_nodes,['rabbit at pmc-localtest']},

Application environment of node 'rabbit at pmc-localtest' ...
 {error_logger,{file,"/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at pmc-localtest.log"}},
 {plugins_expand_dir,"/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit at pmc-localtest-plugins-expand"},
 {sasl_error_logger,{file,"/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at pmc-localtest-sasl.log"}},

pid	name	port	peer_port	host	peer_host	ssl	peer_cert_subject	peer_cert_issuer	peer_cert_validity	auth_mechanism	ssl_protocol	ssl_key_exchange	ssl_cipher	ssl_hash	protocol	user	vhost	timeout	frame_max	client_properties	recv_oct	recv_cnt	send_oct	send_cnt	send_pend	state	last_blocked_by	last_blocked_agechannels
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.290.0> ->	5672	45757	false				PLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	0	131072	[{"product","rabbitmq-c"},{"information","See http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-c/"}]	370	9	492	8	0	blocking	none	infinity	1
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.298.0> ->	5672	45758	false				PLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	10	131072	[{"product","RabbitMQ"},{"information","Licensed under the MPL. See http://www.rabbitmq.com/"},{"platform","Java"},{"capabilities",[{"exchange_exchange_bindings",true},{"consumer_cancel_notify",true},{"basic.nack",true},{"publisher_confirms",true}]},{"copyright","Copyright (C) 2007-2012 VMware, Inc."},{"version","2.8.4"}]	6088	671	3244	341	0	blocking	none	infinity	1
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.318.0> ->	5672	45760	false				PLAIN					{0,9,1}	guest	/	5	131072	[{"product","rabbitmq-c"},{"information","See http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-c/"}]	728	9	993	76	0	blocked	resource	3295.501924	1

pid	name	connection	number	user	vhost	transactional	confirm	consumer_count	messages_unacknowledged	messages_unconfirmed	messages_uncommitted	acks_uncommitted	prefetch_count	client_flow_blocked
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.295.0> -> (1)	<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.290.0>	1	guest	/	false	false	1	0	0	0	0	0	false
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.305.0> -> (1)	<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.298.0>	1	guest	/	false	false	1	0	0	0	0	1	false
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.325.0> -> (1)	<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.318.0>	1	guest	/	false	false	0	0	0	0	0	0	false

Queues on /:
pid	name	durable	auto_delete	arguments	owner_pid	policy	exclusive_consumer_pid	exclusive_consumer_tag	messages_ready	messages_unacknowledged	messages	consumers	memory	slave_pids	synchronised_slave_pids	backing_queue_status	status
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.207.0>	queue.pmc.smpp-in	true	false	[]					0	0	0	0	21800			[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,0,0,0}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {next_seq_id,0}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]	running
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.208.0>	queue.pmc.email-in	true	false	[]					0	0	0	0	21800			[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,0,0,0}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {next_seq_id,0}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]	running
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.209.0>	queue.pmc.router-in	true	false	[]					0	0	0	1	21944			[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,0,0,0}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {next_seq_id,0}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]	running
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.210.0>	queue.pmc.cassidian-in	true	false	[]					0	0	0	0	21800			[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,0,0,0}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {next_seq_id,0}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]	running
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.211.0>	queue.pmc.sf-in	true	false	[]					0	0	0	0	21800			[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,0,0,0}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {next_seq_id,0}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]	running
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.212.0>	queue.pmc.astrid-112-in	true	false	[]					0	0	0	1	22016			[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,0,0,0}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {next_seq_id,0}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]	running
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.213.0>	queue.pmc.tetra-pei-in	true	false	[]					0	0	0	0	21800			[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,0,0,0}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {next_seq_id,0}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]	running
<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.326.0>	queue.test.sf-in	false	false	[]	<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.318.0>				0	0	0	0	14008			[{q1,0}, {q2,0}, {delta,{delta,undefined,0,undefined}}, {q3,0}, {q4,0}, {len,0}, {pending_acks,0}, {target_ram_count,infinity}, {ram_msg_count,0}, {ram_ack_count,0}, {next_seq_id,0}, {persistent_count,0}, {avg_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_egress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_ingress_rate,0.0}, {avg_ack_egress_rate,0.0}]	running

Exchanges on /:
name	type	durable	auto_delete	internal	arguments	policy
	direct	true	false	false	[]	
amq.direct	direct	true	false	false	[]	
amq.fanout	fanout	true	false	false	[]	
amq.headers	headers	true	false	false	[]	
amq.match	headers	true	false	false	[]	
amq.rabbitmq.log	topic	true	false	false	[]	
amq.rabbitmq.trace	topic	true	false	false	[]	
amq.topic	topic	true	false	false	[]	
exchange.pmc.astrid-112-in	direct	true	false	false	[]	
exchange.pmc.cassidian-in	direct	true	false	false	[]	
exchange.pmc.email-in	fanout	true	false	false	[]	
exchange.pmc.router-in	fanout	true	false	false	[]	
exchange.pmc.sf-in	direct	true	false	false	[]	
exchange.pmc.smpp-in	fanout	true	false	false	[]	

Bindings on /:
source_name	source_kind	destination_name	destination_kind	routing_key	arguments
	exchange	queue.pmc.astrid-112-in	queue	queue.pmc.astrid-112-in	[]
	exchange	queue.pmc.cassidian-in	queue	queue.pmc.cassidian-in	[]
	exchange	queue.pmc.email-in	queue	queue.pmc.email-in	[]
	exchange	queue.pmc.router-in	queue	queue.pmc.router-in	[]
	exchange	queue.pmc.sf-in	queue	queue.pmc.sf-in	[]
	exchange	queue.pmc.smpp-in	queue	queue.pmc.smpp-in	[]
	exchange	queue.pmc.tetra-pei-in	queue	queue.pmc.tetra-pei-in	[]
	exchange	queue.test.sf-in	queue	queue.test.sf-in	[]
exchange.pmc.astrid-112-in	exchange	queue.pmc.astrid-112-in	queue		[]
exchange.pmc.cassidian-in	exchange	queue.pmc.cassidian-in	queue		[]
exchange.pmc.email-in	exchange	queue.pmc.email-in	queue		[]
exchange.pmc.router-in	exchange	queue.pmc.router-in	queue		[]
exchange.pmc.sf-in	exchange	queue.pmc.sf-in	queue		[]
exchange.pmc.sf-in	exchange	queue.test.sf-in	queue		[]
exchange.pmc.smpp-in	exchange	queue.pmc.smpp-in	queue		[]

Consumers on /:
queue_name	channel_pid	consumer_tag	ack_required
queue.pmc.astrid-112-in	<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.305.0>	amq.ctag-xl4tPpQSCoOOueAao0br6g	true
queue.pmc.router-in	<'rabbit at pmc-localtest'.3.295.0>	amq.ctag-oeR9Nin_ofEY7vvQzfWm-g	false

Permissions on /:
user	configure	write	read
admin	.*	.*	.*
guest	.*	.*	.*

Policies on /:

Parameters on /:


Netstat output:

pmc-localtest:~ # netstat -np | grep 5672
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED 22394/perl          
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED 8352/beam           
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED 8352/beam           
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED 3530/java           

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