[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ Crash

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Thu Jul 4 09:33:34 BST 2013


On 03/07/13 23:31, Jacob Straszynski wrote:
> =CRASH REPORT==== 3-Jul-2013::21:18:25 ===
>    crasher:
>      initial call: rabbit_disk_monitor:init/1
>      pid: <0.173.0>
>      registered_name: rabbit_disk_monitor
>      exception exit: {{badmatch,[]},
>                       [{rabbit_disk_monitor,parse_free_unix,1},
>                        {rabbit_disk_monitor,handle_call,3},
>                        {gen_server,handle_msg,5},
>                        {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}
>        in function  gen_server:terminate/6
>      ancestors: [rabbit_disk_monitor_sup,rabbit_sup,<0.150.0>]
>      messages: [update]

We've seen this error before on systems that either had an ancient or 
broken Erlang installation (e.g. a newer installation had been copied 
over an old one), and/or where tests were run that used up all file 

Does any of that ring a bell?

In any case I suggest you

1) eradicate your Erlang installation (which is R14B04 and pretty old) 

2) install the most recent Erlang release (R16B01). There have been 
fixes around port/fd usage, which may well eradicate the problem you are 

3) switch from rabbitmq 3.0.4 to the latest (3.1.3). There have been a 
number of improvements in the area of the above crash.

Also, for reference, please let us know what OS & version you are running.



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