[rabbitmq-discuss] ANN Bunny 0.9.0.pre5 is released

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 14:30:52 GMT 2013


Bunny 0.9.0.pre5 is released to rubygems.org [1].

This is a bug fix and usability release. There is one minor
change that will affect a very small fraction of the users.

Change log

Change log is available on GitHub:


Documentation improvements

With this release, all major documentation guides at
http://rubybunny.infoare done.
Recent additions and major updates include

 * Exchanges & Publishers: http://rubybunny.info/articles/exchanges.html
 * Queues and Consumers: http://rubybunny.info/articles/queues.html
 * RabbitMQ Extensions: http://rubybunny.info/articles/extensions.html
 * Bindings: http://rubybunny.info/articles/bindings.html

Please take a look and file issues if something is not covered well.
Excellent documentation is
one of the top goals for Bunny 0.9 (and beyond).

Have a good day!

1. https://rubygems.org/gems/bunny/versions/0.9.0.pre5

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