[rabbitmq-discuss] Blocked/blocking connections & Memory fluctuations

shridharan muthu shridharan.m at gmail.com
Mon Dec 23 16:44:05 GMT 2013

Hello Simon,

      I ended up restarting the node. Here is what I saw from the logs
during management restart.

*rabbit_mochiweb_registry crash:*
*=ERROR REPORT==== 19-Dec-2013::11:50:28 ===*
*** Generic server rabbit_mochiweb_registry terminating*
*** Last message in was {add,rabbit_mgmt_redirect,*
*                            [{port,55672},{ignore_in_use,true}],*
*                            #Fun<rabbit_mochiweb.1.105980535>,*
*                            #Fun<rabbit_mochiweb.0.34137573>,*
*                            {[],"Redirect to port 15672"}}*
*** When Server state == undefined*
*** Reason for termination ==*
*** {{case_clause,*
*    [{rabbit_mochiweb_registry,handle_call,3},*
*     {gen_server,handle_msg,5},*
*     {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}*

*=INFO REPORT==== 19-Dec-2013::11:50:28 ===*
*    application: rabbitmq_management*
*    exited: {bad_return,*
*                {{rabbit_mgmt_app,start,[normal,[]]},*
*                 {'EXIT',*
*                     {{{case_clause,*
*                           {error,*
*                               {no_record_for_listener,*
*                                   [{port,55672},{ignore_in_use,true}]}}},*
*                       [{rabbit_mochiweb_registry,handle_call,3},*
*                        {gen_server,handle_msg,5},*
*                        {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]},*
*                      {gen_server,call,*
*                          [rabbit_mochiweb_registry,*
*                           {add,rabbit_mgmt_redirect,*
*                               [{port,55672},{ignore_in_use,true}],*
*                               #Fun<rabbit_mochiweb.1.105980535>,*
*                               #Fun<rabbit_mochiweb.0.34137573>,*
*                               {[],"Redirect to port 15672"}},*
*                           infinity]}}}}}*
*    type: temporary*

On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 4:22 AM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com> wrote:

> Hmm. I cannot figure out how that could come to pass - it looks like there
> is a broken listener already there.
> You might be able to fix this by invoking
> $ rabbitmqctl -n rabbit eval 'rabbit_web_dispatch_sup:stop_
> listener([{port,55672},{ignore_in_use,true}]).'
> but if that doesn't work I think you'd have to restart the node I'm afraid.
> Either way, I'd be very interested to see the logs from around when you
> tried to restart the management application.
> Cheers, Simon
> On 19/12/13 19:38, shridharan muthu wrote:
>> Hello Simon,
>>     I tried restarting rabbitmq management and I got the following
>> error. I am not able to use port 15672 at all.
>> /sudo rabbitmqctl -n rabbit eval
>> 'application:stop(rabbitmq_management),application:start(
>> rabbitmq_management).'/
>> /{error,/
>> /    {bad_return,/
>> /        {{rabbit_mgmt_app,start,[normal,[]]},/
>> /         {'EXIT',/
>> /             {{{case_clause,/
>> /                   {error,/
>> /                       {no_record_for_listener,/
>> /                           [{port,55672},{ignore_in_use,true}]}}},/
>> /               [{rabbit_mochiweb_registry,handle_call,3},/
>> /                {gen_server,handle_msg,5},/
>> /                {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]},/
>> /              {gen_server,call,/
>> /                  [rabbit_mochiweb_registry,/
>> /                   {add,rabbit_mgmt_redirect,/
>> /                       [{port,55672},{ignore_in_use,true}],/
>> /                       #Fun<rabbit_mochiweb.1.105980535>,/
>> /                       #Fun<rabbit_mochiweb.0.34137573>,/
>> /                       {[],"Redirect to port 15672"}},/
>> /                   infinity]}}}}}}/
>> /...done./
>> /
>> /
>> So, Is there anyway bring it back up without restarting the app?
>> Shri
>> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com
>> <mailto:simon at rabbitmq.com>> wrote:
>>     On 19/12/13 16:35, shridharan muthu wrote:
>>                  You are spot on Simon. We are using 3.0.2 version in our
>>         cluster. In this case, restarting node will not help I guess. Can
>> I
>>         delete these blocked/blocking connections from Management UI?
>>     The only way to do that is to restart the management stats database:
>>     # rabbitmqctl -n <node with the stats db> eval
>>     'application:stop(rabbitmq___management),application:start(
>> __rabbitmq_management).'
>>                Could it be cause of the blocked connections? I will
>>         check the
>>         memory usage after cleaning up the connections.
>>     I doubt it, those connections don't really exist except as rows in
>>     the management stats db. But note that we have fixed a few memory
>>     leaks since 3.0.2.
>>              /You could use a higher priority "nodes" policy to move the
>>         master
>>              to node 2, then delete it again (albeit the queue would be
>>              unmirrored while this was taking place). Oh, but you need
>>         to be on
>>              at least RabbitMQ 3.1.x for that to work, 3.0.x does not let
>> a
>>              mirroring policy move the master./
>>              Ah! But that would leave with tightly coupling queues to
>> nodes.
>>     Only until you delete the "nodes" policy - you can use that to move
>>     the master, but then revert to an "all" policy; at which point the
>>     master will stay where it is.
>>              /OTOH if the queues are mirrored to all nodes anyway, why
>>         worry? A
>>              slave takes about as many resources as a master anyway, so
>>         all your
>>              masters being on one node and all the slaves on the other
>>         should be
>>              no big deal.
>>              /
>>         //
>>               My understanding is that all operations (publish, consume)
>>         on a
>>         queue will be forwarded from slaves to the master (where it will
>> be
>>         executed and broadcasted to all mirrors) and all the messages in
>> the
>>         mirror will be used only when the master goes down.
>>     Yes.
>>         This sounds like
>>         slaves are just forwarding messages all the time (1 hop penalty)
>> and
>>         generates more traffic between slaves & the master.
>>     Sure, but how will distributing the masters around the cluster help
>>     that? Or are you saying your clients know that some queues are on
>>     node 2, and expect to connect to that node to use that queue? If so
>>     that makes sense...
>>     Cheers, Simon
>>     --
>>     Simon MacMullen
>>     RabbitMQ, Pivotal
> --
> Simon MacMullen
> RabbitMQ, Pivotal
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