[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ console has lost ability to log anyone in

Brian Marick brian at getset.com
Thu Dec 19 16:40:58 GMT 2013

Earlier today, I could log in as `guest`. Now I cannot. Further, no new 
user I create can log in. For example:

    5063 $ rabbitmqctl add_user brian brian
    Creating user "brian" ...
    5064 $ open http://localhost:15672

When I type the username and password into the appropriate boxes, I get `Login 

There's nothing in the log except:

    =INFO REPORT==== 19-Dec-2013::10:19:27 ===
    Creating user 'brian'

Before this happened, the console had "hung". That is, when I clicked on 
the Queues tab (or any other), nothing happened. I've seen that before, 

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