[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-c msg in queue can't be published

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 10:21:11 GMT 2013

2013/12/16 3k4b251 <314992959 at qq.com>

> the  queue  is  not auto-delete. I  used  the management UI  and sure the
> msg  already  in queue.  So  I  think  it's  not  route's  problem.   I
>  use
> Ack  But  I'm  sure  that  I'm  not  receive  the msg  before  by  my
> program log.  no use qos.

Then it may be that you don't use the client library correctly.

Please post some relevant parts of your code.

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