[rabbitmq-discuss] queue_procs using more memory in 1 node of a cluster

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Thu Dec 12 10:44:16 GMT 2013

There isn't really enough information here to make a diagnosis. Some 
points that may guide the way however:

* There have been memory leaks in mirrored queues in older versions of 
RabbitMQ. If you are running an older version that may explain it.

* Your systems are currently both well under the memory high watermark - 
it's possible that one has been over the limit in the past while the 
other hasn't. This might have lead to queues on one node paging out most 
of their messages while queues on the other node didn't.

Cheers, Simon

On 11/12/2013 15:03, shridharan muthu wrote:
> Hello,
>       I have a 2 node rabbit mq cluster with mirroring. From the web
> admin UI (in queues tab), I have noticed that all the queues say its
> primary is node 1 with node 2 as mirroring.
>    I noticed that node 2 uses high memory in queue_procs (not sure what
> exactly it means) 2.7 GB vs 10 MB in node 1 (more info below). Could
> someone explain what this means and how I could resolve this mismatch of
> memory usage?
> Thank you,
> Shri
> Node 1:
> / {memory,/
> /     [{total,434405976},/
> /      {connection_procs,20160952},/
> /*{queue_procs,10945440},*/
> /      {plugins,57392},/
> /      {other_proc,124653296},/
> /      {mnesia,18446743796716438880},/
> /      {mgmt_db,5323208},/
> /      {msg_index,1934440},/
> /      {other_ets,-18446743796515468096},/
> /      {binary,5321488},/
> /      {code,18395964},/
> /      {atom,3451633},/
> /      {other_system,43191379}]},/
> / {vm_memory_high_watermark,0.4},/
> / {vm_memory_limit,5047128883},/
> /
> /
> Node 2:
> /{memory,/
> /     [{total,3170580544},/
> /      {connection_procs,24989208},/
> /*  {queue_procs,2762497752},*/
> /      {plugins,151320},/
> /      {other_proc,0},/
> /      {mnesia,18446743960241058104},/
> /      {mgmt_db,10144},/
> /      {msg_index,10014968},/
> /      {other_ets,-18446743959963810704},/
> /      {binary,7078080},/
> /      {code,18395964},/
> /      {atom,2237825},/
> /      {other_system,178510907}]},/
> / {vm_memory_high_watermark,0.4},/
> / {vm_memory_limit,5046969958},/
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