[rabbitmq-discuss] Recurring partitioning problem on local network

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Dec 10 17:08:32 GMT 2013

On 10/12/13 16:56, Bill Chmura wrote:
> What do you mean by a patched version?  Are there instructions?

I've attached a modified rabbit_node_monitor.beam which can replace the 
one in your RabbitMQ installation's ebin directory. This version has 
been modified to additionally log messages on node down like this:

> =INFO REPORT==== 10-Dec-2013::16:32:02 ===
> node hare at smacmullen down: connection_closed

giving the reason why the runtime considers the other node to be down. 
(This feature will make its way into a future release eventually). I am 
curious as to whether you are really seeing net_ticktime-related 
timeouts or something else, and it would be good to get some data on that.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal
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