[rabbitmq-discuss] publisher-confirms timeout and CorrelationData

PATAR, SAGAR sp345s at att.com
Fri Dec 6 17:15:22 GMT 2013

I have the publisher-confirms stuff working but have couple of issue ..

1)  When I use an username with no access to publish to a particular exchange ... After send the system seems to be waiting for the response and never times out .. I have configured the  requested-heartbeat but doesn't seems to have any affect ..

2)  With Valid user access the confirmation shows null correlationData ... not sure why??

I am attaching the spring context file , the java file and the log ..

private RabbitTemplate amqpTemplate = null;
amqpTemplate.send(jndiName, bindingKey, amqpMsg, new CorrelationData(message.getSrcTxId()));

06 Dec 2013 11:48:03,282 AMQP Connection - Sending confirm PendingConfirm [correlationData=null]

Appreciate all the help. Thank you..
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