[rabbitmq-discuss] Message validation plugin

Jerry Kuch jkuch at gopivotal.com
Wed Dec 4 17:45:24 GMT 2013

> Also, while we are there - is it possible (and is it ok) to do things like
> creation of an exchange and setting up exchange-to-exchange binding in auth
> backend plugin? If it is not - what would be the best approach to perform
> couple of these actions each time new client connects?

Indeed, this is reasonable and we've done it for an internal VMware
RabbitMQ use case.  You can perform the operations you want using the
Erlang AMQP client in its internal/direct mode.  You'll want to think
carefully about what you're doing so you don't introduce security
pathologies you don't want and when in doubt, favor being as restrictive as

Best regards,
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