[rabbitmq-discuss] Message distribution policy

Luis Rascão luis.rascao at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 11:35:07 GMT 2013

I was referring to the rabbit priorities, in my scenario i have a process
consumer.exe that connects to rabbit and consumes messages from a queue,
suppose i launch this process 5 times, i end up with 5 consumers for the
queue, if i specify the same priority for all of them they will end up
receiving the messages in round robin, because that's the way rabbit
distributes them.
What i'm looking for is a way to tell rabbit to forget about round robin
and just send the message to the first process in it's list that's
available for processing

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com> wrote:

> These are not OS priorities - the priority is set by an argument to the
> basic.consume method. Multiple consumers within the same OS process can
> have different priorities.
> Cheers, Simon
> On 03/12/13 11:27, Luis Rascão wrote:
>> If i understood correctly multiple consumers with the same high priority
>> will receive the messages in round-robin.
>> This is easier if the processes were different binaries, they are in
>> fact the same binary, to use priorities i would have to attribute higher
>> priorities as i launch the multiple instances of the binary, is there
>> some other way?
>> On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com
>> <mailto:simon at rabbitmq.com>> wrote:
>>     Is this what you are looking for?
>>     http://www.rabbitmq.com/__consumer-priority.html
>>     <http://www.rabbitmq.com/consumer-priority.html>
>>     Cheers, Simon
>>     On 03/12/13 11:19, Luis Rascão wrote:
>>         Hi all,
>>         Supose you have 3 processes consuming messages from a queue, i
>>         guess by
>>         default the messages will be distributed to the consumers in a
>>         round-robin fashion (p1, p2, p3, p1, etc). Is there a way to
>>         change this
>>         distribution policy so that always the first free process
>>         handles the
>>         message? For example if p1 is always available then it would
>>         handle all
>>         the queued messages.
>>         thanks in advance
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>>     --
>>     Simon MacMullen
>>     RabbitMQ, Pivotal
> --
> Simon MacMullen
> RabbitMQ, Pivotal
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