[rabbitmq-discuss] The rabbitmq-server stop command hangs

Tim Watson tim at rabbitmq.com
Wed Nov 28 22:44:42 GMT 2012

Hi Liz,

On 28 Nov 2012, at 19:45, Elizabeth Liao wrote:

> I've attached the rabbitmq.config, rabbit.log, rabbit-sasl.log of the node that we're running.
>> Are you clustered (I'm assuming yes) and have you got some mirrored queues set up (also assuming yes)?
> We don't have clustering set up so no mirrored queues either.

Yes of course, I should've spotted that from the trace.

>> And can you get the shovel status ("rabbitmqctl eval
> 'rabbit_shovel_status:status().'") at the time the shutdown is hanging?
> # rabbitmqctl eval 'rabbit_shovel_status:status().'
> [{shovelB_realtime,starting,{{2012,11,28},{14,9,20}}},
> {shovelB,starting,{{2012,11,28},{14,9,20}}},
> {shovelA,
>     {running,
>         {source,
>             {amqp_params_direct,<<"guest">>,none,<<"/">>,rabbit at TEST2,
>                 none,[]}},
>         {destination,
>             {amqp_params_network,<<"user1">>,<<"pass1">>,<<"/">>,
>                 "server.local",undefined,0,0,5,infinity,none,
>                 [#Fun<amqp_uri.7.123484526>,#Fun<amqp_uri.7.123484526>],
>                 [],[]}}},
>     {{2012,11,28},{14,9,25}}}]
> ...done.

Well unsurprisingly, Matthias was right about Shovel. Looks like the shovel plugin is stuck - can you explain what your shovel configuration is meant to be doing? It seems shovelB_realtime and shovelB are both hung during startup - are these guys meant to be sending data or receiving it? And shovelA - is that using a direct (Erlang) connection to obtain data from rabbit at Test2 (the source) and send it to the local server (on which it is currently running) using a network based connection? I'm a bit confused about that setup - why not the other way around? - though I've not really spent much time looking at the shovel plugin tbh so it may be I'm missing something very obvious.

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