[rabbitmq-discuss] STOMP adapter lose the last message of a burst

José Micó jose.mico at gmail.com
Tue May 22 01:23:36 BST 2012

Forget my suggestion about process_received_bytes(), I was looking at 
the wrong repository, ha.

Well, here is attached the best test case I got so far: a Python script 
that sends very quickly 1001 messages, the first 1000 ones to queue 
"stomp_bug" and the last one to another queue "stomp_bug_last".

Running it several times, can be found that sometimes the last message 
is lost (and only the last message).
I've executed it 20 times, and got only 10 messages into queue 

I looked at the actual source code in mercurial, and I really cannot 
help with that...

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