[rabbitmq-discuss] HAProxy does not work with Rabbitmq?

sameekmishra sameek at arosys.com
Fri May 18 13:42:33 BST 2012


I have configured HA proxy and keepalived for rabbbitmq server.
i have install  Debian squeeze 6.04 operating system with rabbbitmq 2.5.0
and enlarge 14.b.2.1,with cluster and mirror queue.
i have check cluster status both end it got:

rabbitmqctl cluster_status
Cluster status of node rabbit at server03 ...
[{nodes,[{disc,[rabbit at server03,rabbit at server05]}]},
 {running_nodes,[rabbit at server05,rabbit at server03]}]

which means that cluster are correctly configured,also i have checked the
mirror with publish a message on other node and got from other node means
it's worked.i have read the following document for Setting Up A HAProxy
and also got haproxy configuration from this post

including both document i have tried the failover with following

node-1 server03 rabbit at server03
node-2 server05 rabbit at server05

assume virtul Ip:

 log alert
 log alert debug

 log        global
 mode       http
 option     dontlognull
 option     redispatch
 retries    3
 contimeout 5000
 clitimeout 50000
 srvtimeout 50000

listen rabbitmq *:5672
 mode    tcp
 stats   enable
 balance roundrobin
 option  forwardfor
 option  tcpka
 server  server03 check inter 5000 downinter 500    
 server  server05 check inter 5000 backup

listen webfarm
       mode http
       stats enable
       stats auth someuser:sam
       balance roundrobin
       cookie JSESSIONID prefix
       option httpclose
       option forwardfor
       option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
       server server03 cookie A check
       server server05 cookie B check

	option	httpclose		# disable keep-alive
	option  checkcache		# block response if set-cookie & cacheable

	rspidel ^Set-cookie:\ IP=	# do not let this cookie tell our internal IP
	#errorloc	502
	#errorfile	503	/etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
	errorfile	400	/etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
	errorfile	403	/etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
	errorfile	408	/etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
	errorfile	500	/etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
	errorfile	502	/etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
	errorfile	503	/etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
	errorfile	504	/etc/haproxy/errors/504.http

same haproxy configuration on node2 as well.

vrrp_script chk_haproxy {           # Requires keepalived-1.1.13
        script "killall -0 haproxy"     # cheaper than pidof
        interval 2                      # check every 2 seconds
        weight 2                        # add 2 points of prio if OK

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
        interface eth0
        state MASTER
        virtual_router_id 51
        priority 101                    # 101 on master, 100 on backup
        virtual_ipaddress {
        track_script {

only on difference with node2 is priority 100 .after configuation i have
start haproxy and keepalived,start without any error.i have try to ping
virtual ip with other node it got successful result,also i have publish
message using ,it publish and i consume message from other
node,but when i try to rabbitmqctl stop_app of node1(stop rabbitmq server
which is running on node1) then i try to publish with virtual IP i got
connetion refuesed exception,
means when failover not work for me it does not switch to other node2.
please help me,i can't trace the problem.


View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/HAProxy-does-not-work-with-Rabbitmq--tp33870046p33870046.html
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