[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 2.6.1 is unexpectedly eating up memory

ingo schramm schramm.ingo at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 6 13:00:21 GMT 2012

Thanks a lot, now I can figure out what consumes the memory when it happens 
the next time. Hopefully, I will never get the chance again. At that time, 
the management plugin was unreachable BTW. I recovered from the bad 
condition by restarting everything. It's a production system.

I will give 2.7.1 a chance as soon as possible. But if you have any idea 
what could have triggered this bad behavior I would appreciate a hint.

Regards, Ingo

Am Dienstag, 6. März 2012 13:15:41 UTC+1 schrieb Simon MacMullen:
> On 06/03/12 11:38, ingo schramm wrote:
> > I do *not* use a mirrored queue :)
> Ah, right, that's how I read "queues distributed over all nodes".
> Hmm. It's still easier to figure out the memory use of RabbitMQ on 
> 2.7.1, but for 2.6.1 you could check per-queue memory use with 
> "rabbitmqctl list_queues name memory" (or look in mgmt). If this doesn't 
> bring anything useful up then:
> * Become the user the broker is running as
> * Run "erl -sname foo -remsh rabbit@$(hostname -s)" to get a shell into 
> the running broker
> * Invoke "erlang:memory()." for an overview of memory use in the VM.
> * Invoke "lists:sublist(lists:reverse(lists:sort([{process_info(Pid,
> memory), Pid, process_info(Pid)} || Pid <- processes()])), 10)." for a 
> lit of the top 10 memory using processes, and some information on each one.
> Cheers, Simon
> -- 
> Simon MacMullen
> RabbitMQ, VMware
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