[rabbitmq-discuss] Splitting published messages to a body and no-body part

Attila Nagy bra at fsn.hu
Thu Jun 7 20:51:48 BST 2012


I have a publish-subscribe application, where the producer must send two 
message types to two types of consumers:
1. this message type has some headers, which contain meta-data about the 
body, but doesn't contain the body itself
2. like the first, but it actually contains the body

There are two type of consumers accordingly: the first, which must only 
see the headers, but not the body, and the second, which must see both 
(headers and body).
The suboptimal solution is to produce these two types of messages, 
effectively doubling the incoming rate.
The optimal solution would be some kind of routing, where the second 
type of incoming messages (only this type is produced, with full body 
and headers) split into two queues, one with and one without the body.

Is this possible with RabbitMQ (without writing a plugin for this of 


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