[rabbitmq-discuss] Client on unreliable network best practice?

Francesco Mazzoli francesco at rabbitmq.com
Mon Jul 30 14:25:50 BST 2012

Hi Michael,
> What are the general "best practices" in handling this situation?  Is there a
> simple property I'm missing that will auto-reconnect in these situations?  Or
> must I manually check & reconnect when the network disconnection occurs?

There isn't a "automatic reconnect" facility because there would be no way for
us to provide one, given how AMQP works - there are many situations in which the
best behaviour of the "reconnect" mechanism would be unclear.  E.g. when
consuming from exclusive queues, that are deleted when the connection closes.

For this reason you'll have to handle connection problems manually.  The .NET
client provides handlers to catch those errors more easily, see the .NET API:

Francesco * Often in error, never in doubt

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