[rabbitmq-discuss] My cluter node (ram node) down in my performance test

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue Jul 17 18:24:08 BST 2012


On 17/07/12 16:09, Thiago Burgo Belo wrote:
> https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=E7129E57616CE33A!4492&authkey=!AB9nHGtNRRUeC94

Thank you.

We think we know what the problem is: a race condition when repeatedly 
declaring and deleting the same HA queue. This got fixed on 'default' a 
couple of weeks ago and will appear in the next release.

Btw, one oddity I spotted in your logs is that at one point a queue 
appeared to have ~1200 channels that each had published a message to it 
and where all still alive. That may be perfectly ok of course, but it is 
quite unusual.



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