[rabbitmq-discuss] Per-Queue Message TTL and Queue Expiry in perl client

Francesco Mazzoli francesco at rabbitmq.com
Thu Jul 12 13:34:21 BST 2012

At Wed, 11 Jul 2012 13:51:10 -0400,
Prashanth  wrote:
> Is there a way to specify the queue declare options Per-Queue Message TTL and
> Queue Expiry in Perl client.  I am using Net::rabbitMQ module.

Disclaimer: I don't know much about Perl, and nothing about Net::RabbitMQ.

That said, I took a look at
http://search.cpan.org/~jesus/Net-RabbitMQ-0.0.1/RabbitMQ.pm , and it looks like
the `options' argument in `queue_declare' only supports a specific set of
keys. In other words, it looks like setting custom arguments when declaring
queues => no per-queue message TTL, and no queue expiry.

Francesco * Often in error, never in doubt

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